Travel Clinic

Travel Clinic

Initial consultation fee: £10
Follow up doses of vaccines/consultations: free

Please note if no antimalarial tablets/vaccines are purchased, a £20 fee applies

Travel vaccines

Hepatitis B – £47

Hepatitis B is a potentially life threatening infection caused by a virus that attacks the liver. It is transmitted through bodily fluids, such as blood and semen.

Most people who newly contract the virus may not have any symptoms, however some may experience symptoms such as yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice), dark urine, extreme fatigue, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. The infection can become chronic and develop into cirrhosis (liver scarring) or liver cancer.

The vaccination is safe and effective that offers 98-100% protection. Hep B vaccine course requires 3 doses; there are two different dosing schedules available: at zero, one and two months; or the rapid schedule (Engerix B or Twinrix Adult) zero, 7 and 21 days. The vaccination is generally well tolerated, the most common side effects of the vaccination include sore arm, local redness or swelling at injection site.

Hepatitis A – £60

Hepatitis A is a virus usually transmitted through the faecal-oral route and can be contracted from contaminated food as well as from person-to-person.

The primary vaccination schedule for Hep A is a single dose, and protection lasts for at least one year. A booster dose should be given between six to twelve months, which gives immunity for at least 10 years.

The most common side effects of the injection are tiredness, soreness at injection site. Some people may also experience fever, headache, nausea and loss of taste.

Combined Hepatitis A and B (correct for Twinrix) – £75

The Hepatitis A and B combined vaccination is administered intramuscularly. It’s normally follows a 3-dose schedule at day zero, one month and five months. In those travelling within a month, an accelerated schedule is available at day zero, day seven, day fourteen, then a final dose given 12 months after the first dose.

The most common side effect of the injection include headache, pain and redness at injection site, fever, nausea and diarrhoea.

Combined Hepatitis and Typhoid – £80

The vaccine is administered intramuscularly into the deltoid as a single dose.

The most common side effect of the vaccine is pain at injection site.

Meningitis ACWY – £60

Meningococcal disease is caused by a bacterial infection spread through respiratory droplets. The infection is rare, but life-threatening and can lead to disability, including brain damage. The meningococcal disease can lead to meningitis and septicaemia. There are several strains of meningitis, including A, C, W and Y.

The meningitis ACWY vaccine is compulsory for muslims undertaking Hajj pilgrimage (a certificate will be required prior to entering the country), travellers rising certain areas of Africa, and is highly recommended for new university starters (Freshers).

The vaccine is given as a single dose, intramuscularly in the upper arm.

The most common side effects of the vaccine include appetite loss, irritability, drowsiness, headache, fever, pain, redness, or swelling at injection site and fatigue.

Japanese encephalitis – £91

Japanese encephalitis is a viral infection contracted through mosquito bites, causing swelling in the brain. It cannot spread from person to person. There is currently no cure for this infection; treatment involves supporting patients by giving fluids, medicine and oxygen. Some symptoms of Japanese encephalitis include fever, seizures, stiff neck and confusion. Mild symptoms of the infection can be mistaken for the flu.

The Japanese Encephalitis vaccine requires 2 doses 28 days apart; however, a rapid dosing schedule of 0 and 7 days is also available, if necessary. A booster dose can also be given 12-24 month after the primary immunisation course if repeated exposure is expected.

The most common side effects of the vaccine include headache, myalgia, fatigue, pain and tenderness at injection site.

Tick-borne encephalitis – £67

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is a viral infection caused by tick bites. The incubation is from 2 to 28 days. Not all ticks spread TBE and the risk of being infected is very low. As ticks are most found in forests and grassy areas, campers, fieldwork’s and hikers are more likely to catch the infection. Ticks that can spread TBE can be found in parts of Europe, Russia, and parts of China and Japan.

The TBE vaccination consists of 3 doses with the second dose given 1-3 months after the first dose, and the final dose given a further 5-12 months after the second dose. The most common side effects of the vaccine include pain, redness and swelling at injection site.

Rabies – £60

Rabies is a rare, but fatal infection of the brain. The infection is normally caused by the bite or scratch of an infected animal, most commonly a dog. Rabies is found throughout the world especially in Asia, Africa, and Central and South America.

The incubation period for rabies is between 3 and 12 weeks. The initial symptoms of rabies includes fever, headache and feeling generally unwell and can then progress to confusion, hallucinations and even paralysis.

The rabies vaccine consists of 3 doses at days 0, 7 and 28. A rapid schedule is available on days 0, 3 and 7 and a booster after 1 year if re-exposure is likely.

The most common side effects of the vaccine include headache, dizziness, rash, fatigue, fever, and injection site reactions.

Cholera – £30

Cholera is a bacterial infection that can cause severe diarrhoea. Cholera can be contracted from unclean water, contaminated food by unclean water of handled by an infected person. The infection is more prevalent in areas where there there’s a lack of clean water supply or modern sewage, such as areas of Africa or Asia.

The cholera vaccination is given as a drink to be taken 1 to 6 weeks apart.

The most common side effects of the cholera vaccine include abdominal pain, diarrhoea and fatigue.

Typhoid – £34

Typhoid is a highly contagious bacterial infection that is spread through contaminated food and water and can infect many organs. Typhoid is more common in areas of the world where there is poor sanitation or limited access to clean water. There are high numbers of cases in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh. You are also at risk of infection if visiting Asia, Africa or south America.

Some of the side effects of typhoid include headache, high temperature, diarrhoea and myalgia.

The typhoid vaccine consists of a single intramuscular injection at least 2 weeks before travel. Some common side effects of the vaccine include local injection site reactions, headache, diarrhoea, nausea and abdominal pain.

DTP – £34

Diphtheria, tetanus and polio vaccination is given by intramuscular route into the deltoid muscle. For primary immunisation the dosage schedule is for 3 doses each a month apart. A first booster dose can be given 3 years after the primary course. A second booster can be given 10 years after the first booster dose.

Some common side effects of the DTP vaccination include vertigo, headache, nausea/vomiting, and fever.

Other travel PGDs

Period delay From – £10

Norethisterone can be taken to delay your period starting 3-4 days before you expect your period to begin; your period will start again 2-3 days from stopping this medication. Norethisterone is not a contraceptive, and you can still get pregnant while taking these tablets.

Travellers’ diarrhoea – £22

Travellers’ diarrhoea is the passing of 3 or more loose stools daily, usually starting after arriving from a country that has poor sanitation. Travellers’ diarrhoea is normally spread through contaminated water and food and can be caused by either a virus or bacteria.

Antimalarials – Variable pricing dependant on duration of travel

Malaria is a potentially fatal disease cause by bites from infected mosquitos. The antimalarials that can be used in each destination may vary due to
resistance. Antimalarials are used to treat and prevent against malaria; there is currently no vaccine to protect against malaria.

Altitude sickness – £15

Altitude sickness normally develops if travelling to a high altitude too quickly due to lack of oxygen. Symptoms, including headache, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath and loss of appetite can occur after around 6 hours of reaching an altitude of 2,500m above sea level. Your body should get used to the altitude after about 2-3 days after which time the symptoms should cease.

Jet Lag (melatonin) – £20

Jet lag occurs when sleep is disturbed, usually due to long travel. The main symptoms of jet lag include headache, tiredness, difficulty staying awake during the day, restless sleep, and difficulty sleeping at night.

List of health vaccines

Flu vaccine – £15

The influenza vaccine is safe and effective at preventing the flu. The flu is very infectious and easily spread. Symptoms of the flu can include a sudden high temperature, body aches, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite and feeling tired or exhausted.

MMR vaccination – £45

The MMR vaccine is combined vaccination to protect against measles, mumps and rubella. These conditions are very infectious therefore easily spread between unvaccinated individuals. The conditions are all serious and potentially fatal and may lead to problems during pregnancy. It is important to check that you have been vaccinated against all 3 conditions.

Pneumococcal – £30-£70

Pneumococcal vaccines are used to protect against bacteria that can lead to pneumonia, meningitis and sepsis. Developing any of these conditions could potentially lead to permanent brain damage or death.

HPV – £150

The HPV vaccination protects against a variety of conditions caused by the human papillomavirus including warts, and may lead to certain types of skin cancer. HPV is easily spread through skin-to-skin contact; many people may carry the HPV virus without showing any sign or symptoms.

Chickenpox – £72

Chickenpox is a highly contagious infection caused by the varicella zoster virus. Symptoms include itchy, blister-like spots, fever, irritability and loss of appetite. Chickenpox is contagious until all the broken blisters have crusted over.

Shingles – £160

Shingles is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox, the varicella zoster virus. Shingles is a painful rash that only affects one side of the body, and usually starts on the chest or tummy area, but can also affect the face. Shingles cannot be passed from person-t-person, however you can develop chickenpox if you haven’t had chickenpox before.

Meningitis B – £100

Meningitis B is caused by the meningococcal B subtype. If caught, meningitis B is life-threatening causing meningitis or sepsis.

The schedule for the meningitis B vaccine consists of 2 doses, at one month apart.

The most common side effects of the vaccination include malaise, headache, and pain at injection site.

*Please note that prices stated are per dose